A nail tip is one way of enhancing the natural nails. You can use it to make your nails look longer or can have it to correct a misshaped nail. Whatever your reason is be sure to make the right choice from the following creative nail tip options.
Tip # 1: Choose Exciting Colors and Designs
You can find different types, colors and designs of nail tips in several pharmacies. They come in a variety of shapes such as curved plastic pieces shaped like a nail. With this, superglue is provided to hold the nail tip in place. Although these nails seem not to attract interests from the crowd, you can enhance it with nail art. You can make use of exciting colors to make your nail tips look smart. Visit a nail salon and let your nail artist have a design airbrushed on. Why not try to put a symbol or a logo or anything that will make those tips stand out among others.
How to Know about Crystal Nail Tips in 4 Ways? Have you heard about crystal nail tips? Discover more about this acrylic nail before you use one.
Tip # 2: Custom Blended Tips
Most nail salons put an acrylic overlay on both natural and artificial nail tips. This is to provide strength and shape but some say that it destroys the natural appearance of the tip. This is why a custom blended tip come into existence. This is a new technique to give the nail tip a more natural appearance. It uses a custom-blended polymer which is applied to a clean nail and then buffed and polished. This costs around $80 and nails last within two weeks.
Tip # 3: Virtual Nails
Dashing Diva Salons offer virtual nails. They are used as a full-cover nail enhancement and for $20, nails are fitted and placed onto the natural nail using special glue. This minimizes the time of filing. They come in more than 160 sizes and they are trimmed to perfectly fit your nail bed. Virtual nails are said to last for at least 2 weeks.
Tip # 4: Nail Art
Nail art is another artistic process in manicure. This includes special care of the nails which later can be decorated with different designs and colors such as plain prints, glitter to crystals as well as abstract.
A professional nail stylist can use several techniques to achieve the best effect. Like for example acrylic nails which can be put onto the nails to enhance its length. This is applicable to women who do not have long nails or have easily chipped nails. The acrylic nail tips can be polished using any color and later be smoothened so that it will look so natural.
Tip # 5: Nail Art Galleries.
There are different nail art galleries that are available. They provide various nail designs to choose from. They come with easy directions to help the clients. There are some websites who display such galleries. You can search them online.
These are ways on how you can secure creative nail tips. Use them to your advantage and you will surely have beautifully-crafted nails.

How to Apply Acrylic Nail Tips – 5 Tips to Do the Process Successfully
Learning how to apply acrylic nail tips can be both fun and easy. The secrets in making this process a success is presented in this page.
While many women may be inspired to create their own creative nail tips, others might want to see them in action first. Here are some tips for creating new art, as well as using the designs you have made on your nails.
First, you need to choose the right product. No matter how much you like the idea of using a special item, the truth is that no one wants to use something that does not work. That said, you can do your own research online or contact a specialist in the field.
If you prefer, you can go with a variety of products such as a special gel or polish, to actually build up your creative nail tip on a regular basis. Of course, these items can cost quite a bit but there are other creative nail tips available that are less expensive. These tips may be in a gel form, or they may be an actual design. You can find them at local shops or order them online.
A creative nail tip may also be available as part of a special kit that contains an assortment of items. The kit usually includes a tool to apply the special design, as well as the nail polish and gel.
You do not necessarily have to take a more intricate or artistic concept to the person who sees it. Simply take something that you like, print it out or draw it on your nails. Then try it out by applying it.
If you are not comfortable painting your nails on, then you can always visit your local tattoo parlor. At a tattoo parlor, there will be plenty of people that would be more than happy to help you.
To help the person see your creative nail tip more clearly, consider wearing it while shopping. There are many options in nail polish, nail designs, and other products that can help to make it easier to tell that your nail art is a work of art.
Everyone has their own unique style. If your nails do not have an artistic flair, try making a design that represents something you love. Maybe a balloon will work if you love bubbles.
Consider going to your local salon this New Year’s resolution to have them help you create your own new nail art. Many professionals will appreciate this favor, as it will make them look great as well.
You can also request that a professional use your creative nail tip. An acrylic or Goldsmith technician should be able to turn your personal creation into a masterpiece. Ask them to include any names, dates, or other design details that you would like to see included.
If you are planning a special event such as a birthday party or even a wedding, you can create an invitation to print out and place them on your guests’ chairs. Have them wear these special invitations. Do not forget to include a special message, as well.
By using these creative nail tip ideas, you can have fun creating your own design. Whether you are planning a Halloween party, or just want to show someone you care, you can create a different kind of design that everyone will love.